神奈川工科大学では英語を学びたい学生の為に、English Loungeを開設しています。

【English Lounge YouTube紹介ページはこちら!】

English Loungeは月~金まで毎日開室しています。


☆2024年度English Lounge開室日はここをクリック☆

English Loungeのインスタグラムでは、English Loungeの情報や様子、英語の知識等アップしています。


開室時間 月曜日~金曜日(祝日を除く)11:00~16:30
場所 幾徳会館1階 紀伊国屋書店の側


月曜日~水曜日 アンディ先生
木曜日 ディラン先生
金曜日 ブレント先生

English Lounge担当教員からのメッセージ



1 自己紹介

Hello Everyone,My name is Andres, but you can call me ANDY.
I am Canadian currently living with my wife and children in Japan.
Though I was born in South America I lived in the USA and Germany before moving to Canada.
I can speak Spanish, German, English and some Japanese.
My first year in Japan was quite difficult trying to adjust and communicate with others butpeople in Japan are extremely patient and kind which made it easier for me to fit in.
I love sports and have practiced a few. I am currently into cycling and Taekwondo.In 2014 my wife and I created a Taekwondo group in our city. Since then, I have taughtEnglish and Taekwondo to children and Adults. I have a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Designbut after I started teaching in Japan, teaching became my passion. At the time, I am working Onlinewhich I thought was quite different from face to face classes. To my surprise, it is as good and at timeseven better.
I know there are lots of people willing to improve their English skills out there but do not nowwhere to start. Let me tell you, nothing compares to learning from the comfort of your own home.It is easy, it is convenient and fun. I am looking forward to hearing from you!!

2 英会話上達のコツ

People learn languages for different reasons. You must learn a language, try to enjoy the process. It can be a very frustrating journey if you dislike having to study something you are not passionate about.On the other hand, people who choose to study a language might achievebetter results because they like what they are doing. If there is something that can increase anyone’s chances to be better at learning languages is to have fun while doing it.
Having said that, if the system, the teacher and the context are fun you can then move to your number 2 priority: Repetition.
It is quite easy to forget what you learn in a short period of time and if the information is not used in a practical situation, the input in your head will soon be gone. It is important that you go back over things you have learned to make it part of your memory. That is how you learned your mother tongue in the first place. So, try writing notes and take them with you everywhere you go and read them anytime. This will reinforce your memory and you will be able to have more natural output next time you have to use it. Have fun and repeat, repeat, repeat!

3 学生へのメッセージ

Living in Japan has been for me an exciting experience. I like the country, the people and culture. Every person I talk too is a new opportunity to lean and connect. Language is culture and through people you can learn both. I can’t wait to be able to help you achieve your goals learning English.
Hope to see you all very soon!



1 自己紹介

Hi, I’m Dylan. I’m an English teacher from Ukraine, and I’ve been teaching English for the last 10 years, staying in Japan for more than a year now. My hobbies are computer games, movies, reading and learning languages of course. As for sports, I like swimming and any game-based sports like football, volleyball etc. Regarding Japanese culture, I’m a big fan of anime too. Looking forward to meeting you all!

2 英会話上達のコツ

All skills are important. But more important is your attitude while doing it. Firstly, immerse yourself in the language by regularly reading English books, social networks posts, news or whatever you like to enhance your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Start with something easier and then make it harder. Additionally, practice listening to English podcasts, music, and movies to improve your understanding of pronunciation and intonation. I think TikTok offers a great variety of short videos even for the busiest students to have a daily portion of listening anytime and anywhere. Utilize language learning apps and websites for interactive exercises to reinforce grammar rules and vocabulary acquisition. There are tons of resources for this, some of them I’ll offer you during our classes. Then, dedicate time to writing regularly, whether it’s journaling, texting with your partner, or chatting online with your game teammates in Discord. And last but not the least, come to my class to have some portion of real-time conversation! Hope to see you all soon =)

3 学生へのメッセージ

I don’t have a shortcut for you to achieve your goals at studying English. Everything takes time and things that are truly worthy usually take even more time. Among all skills that we possibly can master English is probably the most unique. It will be useful during all your life and in pretty much every sphere of your life either it is job, entertainment or making friends. Consider it to be a skill that you will be practicing and polishing forever and no matter how much time you spend for it you will never regret. You will have to learn many new words, do many exercises, learn a lot of new grammar – that is for sure. But what is truly important is finding joy in the process. And as soon as you do, the rest is going to happen faster. I will be happy to be a part of this process and I’m looking forward to meeting you all guys



1 自己紹介

Hi Everyone! My name is Brent Markewich and I have been working with the English lounge for over five years. We have seen a lot of changes in the lounge and the participation has grown over the years. I have been living in Japan for over 25 years and while I’m from Canada, Japan has become home to me as well. I have played ice hockey for over 45 years but recently I’ve given it up and started to get into walking for exercise. I enjoy reading, especially old famous books, learning something new, watching movies, and at times I guess I’m a little bit of a gamer but not so much these days. Looking forward to meeting all of you!

2 英会話上達のコツ

Everyone has their own ways of studying and what works for one, doesn’t always work for others. I often recommend students keep notebook handy and write down words and phrases that you here while watching TV, studying in class, or just independently learning by yourself. Another way for me to learn something is use “Post-its”. I write the Japanese on one side, English on the other, and this includes words, sentences, phrases, and idioms which are spread all around the house. Once I remember, it goes in the garbage (Ziploc bag for review). It works for me, but my family hates it. The POST-ITS are all over the house. 😉

3 学生へのメッセージ

Learning a language is not a race but the consistency and effort that you put into it is definitely important in getting what you want out of it. Trying to use what you’ve learnt, keeping at it, and practicing or doing something in English every day even if it is just for a short time is extremely important. Let’s face it, learning a foreign language is not always easy but this does open up a lot of opportunities now and also in the future. There’s a saying in English which is believe is very relevant, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” So, why not give the English Lounge a try. Our door is always open to you, and who knows, you may enjoy it!